robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom module
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ActuatorTransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ActuatorTransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property hardwareInterface
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mechanicalReduction
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.AxisType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type AxisType with content type EMPTY
- property xyz
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.BoxType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type BoxType with content type EMPTY
- property size
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CalibrationType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type CalibrationType with content type EMPTY
- property falling
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property reference_position
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property rising
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CameraType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type CameraType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property clip
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property horizontal_fov
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property image
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property noise
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ChildType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ChildType with content type EMPTY
- property link
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ClipType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ClipType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property far
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property near
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CollisionType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type CollisionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property contact_coefficients
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property geometry
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property material
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property origin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property verbose
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ColorType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ColorType with content type EMPTY
- property rgba
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ContactType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ContactType with content type EMPTY
- property kd
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property kp
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property mu
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ControllerEnumType(*args, **kw)[source]
An atomic simple type.
- position = 'position'
- velocity = 'velocity'
- robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CreateFromDOM(node, default_namespace=None)[source]
Create a Python instance from the given DOM node. The node tag must correspond to an element declaration in this module.
@deprecated: Forcing use of DOM interface is unnecessary; use L{CreateFromDocument}.
- robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CreateFromDocument(xml_text, default_namespace=None, location_base=None)[source]
Parse the given XML and use the document element to create a Python instance.
@param xml_text An XML document. This should be data (Python 2 str or Python 3 bytes), or a text (Python 2 unicode or Python 3 str) in the L{pyxb._InputEncoding} encoding.
@keyword default_namespace The L{pyxb.Namespace} instance to use as the default namespace where there is no default namespace in scope. If unspecified or C{None}, the namespace of the module containing this function will be used.
@keyword location_base: An object to be recorded as the base of all L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} instances associated with events and objects handled by the parser. You might pass the URI from which the document was obtained.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CylinderType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type CylinderType with content type EMPTY
- property length
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property radius
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.DynamicsType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type DynamicsType with content type EMPTY
- property damping
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property friction
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboCameraPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboCameraPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property Cx
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property CxPrime
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property Cy
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property alwaysOn
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property baseline
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property cameraInfoTopicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property cameraName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property depthImageCameraInfoTopicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property depthImageTopicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property distortionK1
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property distortionK2
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property distortionK3
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property distortionT1
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property distortionT2
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property focalLength
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property fov
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property frameName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property gaussianNoise
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property hackBaseline
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property imageTopicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property maxRange
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property minRange
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property pointCloudCutoff
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property pointCloudTopicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property radiation
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property robotNamespace
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property topicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property updateRate
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property visualize
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboIMUPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboIMUPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboMaterialType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboMaterialType with content type EMPTY
- property value_
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginBaseType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboPluginBaseType with content type EMPTY
- property filename
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property alwaysOn
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property bodyName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property controller
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property gaussianNoise
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property joint
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property link
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mimicJoint
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property multiplier
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property offset
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property robotNamespace
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property robotParam
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property robotSimType
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property serviceName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property topicName
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property updateRate
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboSensorBaseType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboSensorBaseType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property pose
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property type
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property update_rate
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property visualize
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboSensorType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboSensorType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property camera
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property plugin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GazeboType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property fdir1
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property gravity
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property material
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property maxVel
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property minDepth
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mu1
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mu2
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property plugin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property reference
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property self_collide
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property sensor
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GenericControllerPluginDefType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GenericControllerPluginDefType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property joint_name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property pid
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property type
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GeometryType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type GeometryType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property box
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property cylinder
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mesh
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property sphere
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ImageType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ImageType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property format
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property height
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property width
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.InertiaType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type InertiaType with content type EMPTY
- property ixx
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property ixy
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property ixz
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property iyy
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property iyz
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property izz
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.InertialType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type InertialType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property inertia
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mass
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property origin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.JointTransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type JointTransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property hardwareInterface
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.JointType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type JointType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property axis
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property calibration
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property child
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property dynamics
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property limit
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property mimic
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property origin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property parent
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property safety_controller
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property type
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.LimitType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type LimitType with content type EMPTY
- property effort
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property lower
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property upper
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property velocity
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.LinkType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type LinkType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property collision
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property inertial
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property origin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property visual
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MassType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type MassType with content type EMPTY
- property value_
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MaterialType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type MaterialType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property color
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property texture
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MeshType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type MeshType with content type EMPTY
- property filename
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property scale
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MimicType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type MimicType with content type EMPTY
- property joint
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property multiplier
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property offset
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.NoiseType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type NoiseType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property mean
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property stddev
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property type
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ParentType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type ParentType with content type EMPTY
- property link
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.PoseType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type PoseType with content type EMPTY
- property rpy
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property xyz
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.RobotType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type RobotType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property gazebo
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property joint
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property link
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property material
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property transmission
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property version
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.SafetyControllerType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type SafetyControllerType with content type EMPTY
- property k_position
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property k_velocity
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property soft_lower_limit
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property soft_upper_limit
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.SphereType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type SphereType with content type EMPTY
- property radius
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.TextureType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type TextureType with content type EMPTY
- property filename
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.TransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type TransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property actuator
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property joint
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property name
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- property type
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.VerboseType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type VerboseType with content type EMPTY
- property value_
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
- class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.VisualType(*args, **kw)[source]
Complex type VisualType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
- property geometry
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property material
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.
- property origin
Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.