robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom module

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ActuatorTransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ActuatorTransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property hardwareInterface

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mechanicalReduction

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.AxisType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type AxisType with content type EMPTY

property xyz

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.BoxType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type BoxType with content type EMPTY

property size

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CalibrationType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type CalibrationType with content type EMPTY

property falling

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property reference_position

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property rising

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CameraType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type CameraType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property clip

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property horizontal_fov

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property image

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property noise

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ChildType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ChildType with content type EMPTY

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ClipType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ClipType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property far

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property near

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CollisionType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type CollisionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property contact_coefficients

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property geometry

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property material

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property origin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property verbose

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ColorType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ColorType with content type EMPTY

property rgba

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ContactType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ContactType with content type EMPTY

property kd

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property kp

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property mu

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ControllerEnumType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

An atomic simple type.

position = 'position'
velocity = 'velocity'
robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CreateFromDOM(node, default_namespace=None)[source]

Create a Python instance from the given DOM node. The node tag must correspond to an element declaration in this module.

@deprecated: Forcing use of DOM interface is unnecessary; use L{CreateFromDocument}.

robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CreateFromDocument(xml_text, default_namespace=None, location_base=None)[source]

Parse the given XML and use the document element to create a Python instance.

@param xml_text An XML document. This should be data (Python 2 str or Python 3 bytes), or a text (Python 2 unicode or Python 3 str) in the L{pyxb._InputEncoding} encoding.

@keyword default_namespace The L{pyxb.Namespace} instance to use as the default namespace where there is no default namespace in scope. If unspecified or C{None}, the namespace of the module containing this function will be used.

@keyword location_base: An object to be recorded as the base of all L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} instances associated with events and objects handled by the parser. You might pass the URI from which the document was obtained.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.CylinderType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type CylinderType with content type EMPTY

property length

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property radius

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.DynamicsType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type DynamicsType with content type EMPTY

property damping

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property friction

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboCameraPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginBaseType

Complex type GazeboCameraPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property Cx

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property CxPrime

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property Cy

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property alwaysOn

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property baseline

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property cameraInfoTopicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property cameraName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property depthImageCameraInfoTopicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property depthImageTopicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property distortionK1

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property distortionK2

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property distortionK3

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property distortionT1

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property distortionT2

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property focalLength

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property fov

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property frameName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property gaussianNoise

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property hackBaseline

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property imageTopicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property maxRange

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property minRange

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property pointCloudCutoff

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property pointCloudTopicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property radiation

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property robotNamespace

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property topicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property updateRate

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property visualize

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboIMUPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginBaseType

Complex type GazeboIMUPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboMaterialType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GazeboMaterialType with content type EMPTY

property value_

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginBaseType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GazeboPluginBaseType with content type EMPTY

property filename

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboPluginBaseType

Complex type GazeboPluginType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property alwaysOn

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property bodyName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property controller

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property gaussianNoise

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property joint

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mimicJoint

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property multiplier

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property offset

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property robotNamespace

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property robotParam

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property robotSimType

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property serviceName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property topicName

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property updateRate

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboSensorBaseType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GazeboSensorBaseType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property pose

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property type

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property update_rate

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property visualize

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboSensorType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboSensorBaseType

Complex type GazeboSensorType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property camera

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property plugin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GazeboType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GazeboType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property fdir1

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property gravity

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property material

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property maxVel

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property minDepth

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mu1

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mu2

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property plugin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property reference

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property self_collide

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property sensor

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GenericControllerPluginDefType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GenericControllerPluginDefType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property joint_name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property pid

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property type

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.GeometryType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type GeometryType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property box

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property cylinder

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mesh

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property sphere

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ImageType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ImageType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property format

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property height

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property width

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.InertiaType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type InertiaType with content type EMPTY

property ixx

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property ixy

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property ixz

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property iyy

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property iyz

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property izz

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.InertialType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type InertialType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property inertia

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mass

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property origin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.JointTransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type JointTransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property hardwareInterface

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.JointType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type JointType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property axis

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property calibration

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property child

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property dynamics

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property limit

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property mimic

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property origin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property parent

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property safety_controller

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property type

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.LimitType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type LimitType with content type EMPTY

property effort

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property lower

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property upper

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property velocity

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.LinkType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type LinkType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property collision

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property inertial

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property origin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property visual

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MassType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type MassType with content type EMPTY

property value_

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MaterialType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type MaterialType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property color

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property texture

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MeshType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type MeshType with content type EMPTY

property filename

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property scale

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.MimicType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type MimicType with content type EMPTY

property joint

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property multiplier

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property offset

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.NoiseType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type NoiseType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property mean

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property stddev

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property type

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.ParentType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type ParentType with content type EMPTY

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.PoseType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type PoseType with content type EMPTY

property rpy

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property xyz

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.RobotType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type RobotType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property gazebo

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property joint

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property material

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property transmission

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property version

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.SafetyControllerType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type SafetyControllerType with content type EMPTY

property k_position

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property k_velocity

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property soft_lower_limit

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property soft_upper_limit

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.SphereType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type SphereType with content type EMPTY

property radius

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.TextureType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type TextureType with content type EMPTY

property filename

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.TransmissionType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type TransmissionType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property actuator

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property joint

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property name

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

property type

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.VerboseType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type VerboseType with content type EMPTY

property value_

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class robot_designer_plugin.export.urdf.generic.urdf_dom.VisualType(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Complex type VisualType with content type ELEMENT_ONLY

property geometry

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property material

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

property origin

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.