Source code for robot_designer_plugin.operators.helpers

# #####
# This file is part of the RobotDesigner of the Neurorobotics subproject (SP10)
# in the Human Brain Project (HBP).
# It has been forked from the RobotEditor (
# developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the
# High Performance Humanoid Technologies Laboratory (H2T).
# #####

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# #####
# Copyright (c) 2015, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
# Copyright (c) 2016, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
# Changes:
#   2015-01-16: Stefan Ulbrich (FZI), Major refactoring. Integrated into complex plugin framework.
# ######

# System imports
import math
import mathutils

# Blender imports
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty

from ..core import Condition
from ..core.constants import StringConstants
from ..core import RDOperator

def _vec_roll_to_mat3(vec, roll):
    Function to convert a given rotation vector and a roll angle along this axis into a 3x3 rotation matrix
    Python port of the C function defined in armature.c
    Credits: user vida_vida

    :param vec:
    :param roll:
    target = mathutils.Vector((0, 1, 0))
    nor = vec.normalized()
    axis = target.cross(nor)
    if ( > 0.0000000001
    ):  # this seems to be the problem for some bones, no idea how to fix
        theta = target.angle(nor)
        bMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(theta, 3, axis)
        updown = 1 if > 0 else -1
        bMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Scale(updown, 3)

        # C code:
        # bMatrix[0][0]=updown; bMatrix[1][0]=0.0;    bMatrix[2][0]=0.0;
        # bMatrix[0][1]=0.0;    bMatrix[1][1]=updown; bMatrix[2][1]=0.0;
        # bMatrix[0][2]=0.0;    bMatrix[1][2]=0.0;    bMatrix[2][2]=1.0;
        bMatrix[2][2] = 1.0

    rMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(roll, 3, nor)
    mat = rMatrix @ bMatrix
    return mat

def _mat3_to_vec_roll(mat):
    Function to convert a 3x3 rotation matrix to a rotation axis and a roll angle along this axis
    Python port of the C function defined in armature.c

    Thanks to user vida_vida

    :param mat:
    from import global_properties

    vec = mat.col[1] * global_properties.bone_length.get(bpy.context.scene)
    vecmat = _vec_roll_to_mat3(mat.col[1], 0)
    vecmatinv = vecmat.inverted()
    rollmat = vecmatinv @ mat
    roll = math.atan2(rollmat[0][2], rollmat[2][2])
    return vec, roll

[docs]class ModelSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures the armature is selected. :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ if bpy.context.active_object: return ( bpy.context.active_object.type == "ARMATURE", "Model not selected and active.", ) else: return False, "No model selected"
[docs]class SingleSegmentSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures that a single mesh object (i.e., two selected objects where exactly one is a mesh). :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ if bpy.context.active_bone: selected_segments = [ i for i in if ] return len(selected_segments) == 1, "Single Segment must be selected" else: return False, "No Object Selected"
[docs]class WorldSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures that a single world object. :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ from import global_properties world = global_properties.world_name.get(bpy.context.scene) if world != "" and world != "Select World": if[world]: return ([world].RobotDesigner.tag == 'WORLD', "Single world object must be selected." ) else: return False, "No world selected"
# return world != "" and[world].RobotDesigner.tag == 'WORLD', "Single world object must be selected." # if bpy.context.active_object: # return ( # bpy.context.active_object.RobotDesigner.tag == "WORLD", # "World not selected and active.", # ) # else: # return False, "No world selected"
[docs]class AtLeastOneSegmentSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures that at least one bone of the active object is selected :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ if bpy.context.active_bone: selected_segments = [ i for i in if ] return len(selected_segments) >= 1, "At least one segment must be selected" else: return False, "No Object Selected"
[docs]class SingleMeshSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures that a single mesh object (i.e., two selected objects where exactly one is a mesh). :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ selected = [i for i in bpy.context.selected_objects if i.type == "MESH"] return len(selected) == 1, "Single mesh object must be selected."
[docs]class SingleSensorSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :ref:`condition` that assures that a single sensor object ist selected. :return: True if the condition is met, else false. String with error message. """ selected = [i for i in bpy.context.selected_objects if i.RobotDesigner.tag == "SENSOR"] return len(selected) == 1, "Single sensor object must be selected."
[docs]class ObjectMode(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that the :term:`object mode` is selected. """ if bpy.context.object: return bpy.context.object.mode == "OBJECT", "Must be in object mode" else: return True, ""
[docs]class PoseMode(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that the :term:`pose mode` is selected. """ if bpy.context.object: return bpy.context.object.mode == "POSE", "Must be in Pose Mode" else: return True, ""
[docs]class NotEditMode(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that the :term:`edit mode` is *not* selected. """ if bpy.context.object: return bpy.context.object.mode != "EDIT", "Must not be in Edit Mode" else: return True, ""
[docs]class SingleCameraSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that a :class:`bpy.types.Camera` associated object is selected. """ selected = [ i for i in bpy.context.selected_objects if i.type == ] return len(selected) == 1, "Single camera object must be selected."
[docs]class SingleMassObjectSelected(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that a :class:`bpy.types.Camera` associated object is selected. """ selected = [ i for i in bpy.context.selected_objects if i.type == StringConstants.empty and i.RobotDesigner.tag == "PHYSICS_FRAME" ] return len(selected) == 1, "Single mass object must be selected."
[docs]class SelectObjectBase(RDOperator): """ Base class for :ref:`operators <operator>` for selecting an object (:class:`bpy.types.Object`) second to the selected model (Blender object with :class:`bpy.types.Armature` data) """ object_name = StringProperty() object_data_type = "MESH"
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, object_name=""): return super().run(**cls.pass_keywords())
@RDOperator.OperatorLogger def execute(self, context): mesh =[self.object_name] arm = context.active_object for obj in context.scene.objects: obj.select_set(False) mesh.select_set(True) arm.select_set(True) return {"FINISHED"}
[docs]class AssignObjectBase(RDOperator): """ Base class for :ref:`operators <operator>` for assigning an object to the currently selected segment segment. """
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls): return super().run(**cls.pass_keywords())
@RDOperator.OperatorLogger def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="BONE", keep_transform=True) return {"FINISHED"}
[docs]class ObjectScaled(Condition):
[docs] @staticmethod def check(): """ :term:`condition` that assures that model has been scaled before the operation. """ if bpy.context.active_object: return ( bpy.context.active_object.scale.x == bpy.context.active_object.scale.y == bpy.context.active_object.scale.z == 1.0 ), "Object has to be scaled!" else: return True, ""