# #####
# This file is part of the RobotDesigner of the Neurorobotics subproject (SP10)
# in the Human Brain Project (HBP).
# It has been forked from the RobotEditor (https://gitlab.com/h2t/roboteditor)
# developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the
# High Performance Humanoid Technologies Laboratory (H2T).
# #####
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licensexiong
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# #####
# Copyright (c) 2016, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
# Changes:
# 2016-01-15: Stefan Ulbrich (FZI), Major refactoring. Integrated into complex plugin framework.
# ######
Module for importing robots specified in the URDF file format.
__author__ = 'Stefan Ulbrich (FZI)'
import logging
from . import urdf_dom
from .helpers import list_to_string
from pyxb import ContentNondeterminismExceededError
import os
logger = logging.getLogger('URFD')
[docs]def set_value(l):
helper function that creates a string out of a list of floats
:param l: python list of floats
:return: string representing the list
return ' '.join(i for i in l)
[docs]class URDFTree(object):
A class that parses and represents a robot described by a URDF file.
The data is stored in a tree of linked instances of this class. Therefore, a root element (or several) has to be
detectable in the file excluding closed kinematic loops at the moment.
Each instance represents a *blender/RobotDesigner bone* that is a compound of joint and link.
It uses a document object model (DOM) created by generateDS.py (in version 2.14a -- the newest
that does not depend on the lxml module, which is not included in blender).
def __init__(self, connected_joints, connected_links, robot=None):
""" Constructor
:param root: if specified, the constructor copies the cross-references in the XML file from another
URDFTree instance.
:param connected_joints: If specified, the connectedJoints (cross-reference in the XML file) is set.
:param connected_links: If specified, the connectedLinks (cross-reference in the XML file) is set.
# super(URDFTree, self).__init__()
self.children = []
self.robot = robot
self.joint = None
self.link = None
self.connectedLinks = connected_links
self.connectedJoints = connected_joints
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(file_name):
""" Parses a URDF file and builds up a tree representing the kinematic structure of a robot.
Explanation: The URDF file format stores links (i.e., rigid bodies) and joints (i.e., connection between links)
in a flat structure (as opposed to a tree data structure). Links have no references while joints refer to the
NAMES of have exactly one parent (link) and child (link). This method first resolves these cross references
and calls the recursive URDFTree.build() method to create a tree-like data structure representing the
kinematic tree(s) of the robot.
:param file_name: the name of the file to open
# read the file
# robot = urdf_dom.parse(file_name, silence=True)
robot = urdf_dom.CreateFromDocument(open(file_name).read())
except ContentNondeterminismExceededError as e:
logger.error("Error raised {}, {}".format(e, e.instance.name))
raise e
# parsing joint controllers
# create a dictionary [ joint_name, controller ] which is
# easily searchable during tree traversal
controller_cache = {}
gazebo_tags = []
for gazebo_tag in robot.gazebo:
for plugin_tag in gazebo_tag.plugin:
if plugin_tag.name == "generic_controller":
for controller in plugin_tag.controller:
# store the controller in cache, so it's accessible
logger.debug("Found controller for joint: {}, caching it".format(controller.joint_name))
controller_cache[controller.joint_name] = controller
# remove last tag from the last, it is handled by controller plugin differently
logger.debug("Built controller cache:")
# create mapping from (parent) links to joints
connected_joints = {link: [joint for joint in robot.joint if link.name == joint.parent.link] for link
in robot.link}
# create mapping from joints to their child links
connected_links = {joint: link for link in robot.link for joint in robot.joint if
link.name == joint.child.link}
# find root links (i.e., links that are NOT connected to a joint)
child_links = [link.name for link in robot.link for joint in robot.joint if
link.name == joint.child.link]
root_links = [link for link in robot.link if link.name not in child_links]
logger.debug("Root links: {}".format([i.name for i in root_links]))
logger.debug("connected links: {}".format({j.name: l.name for j, l in connected_links.items()}))
kinematic_chains = []
# Skips the basis links
for link in root_links:
for joint in connected_joints[link]:
tree = URDFTree(connected_links=connected_links, connected_joints=connected_joints, robot=robot)
tree.build(connected_links[joint], joint)
# todo: parse joint controllers
logger.debug("kinematic chains: {}".format(kinematic_chains))
return robot.name, root_links, kinematic_chains, controller_cache, gazebo_tags
[docs] def build(self, link, joint=None, depth=0):
Recursive function that builds up the tree representation of the robot. You do not have to call it manually (
Called by parse).
:param link: The link the kinematics subtree starts with
:param joint: The joint connecting to the previous link (if any)
self.children = []
self.joint = joint
self.link = link
children = self.connectedJoints[link]
for joint in children:
tree = URDFTree(connected_links=self.connectedLinks, connected_joints=self.connectedJoints,
tree.build(self.connectedLinks[joint], joint, depth + 1)
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_empty(name, base_link_name="base_link"):
Creates an empty tree object.
:param name: the name of the robot the tree is representing the model of.
:type name: string
:return: The tree instance.
tree = URDFTree(connected_links={}, connected_joints={}, robot=urdf_dom.RobotType())
tree.robot.name = name
tree.link = urdf_dom.LinkType()
tree.link.name = base_link_name
tree.joint = urdf_dom.JointType()
# build empty gazebo tag for control plugins
tree.gazebo_tag = urdf_dom.GazeboType()
return tree
[docs] def write(self, file_name):
Should only be called on the root element.
:param file_name:
for joint, link in self.connectedLinks.items():
joint.child.link = link.name
for link, joints in self.connectedJoints.items():
for joint in joints:
joint.parent.link = link.name
# Connect root joints to self.link (the root link)
for joint in self.robot.joint:
if joint.parent is None:
joint.parent = self.link.name
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_name)):
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
# f.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>')
output = self.robot.toxml("utf-8", element_name="robot").decode("utf-8")
# output = output.replace(">", ">\n")
# self.robot.export(f,0)
def _write(self):
Recursion that builds the creates the cross links for the DOM (might not be necessary)
[docs] def add(self):
Creates and adds another URDFTree instance to this node. Do not add children to the subtree manually as
references are not created then. Note that if there is no robot member defined yet (i.e., you are *exporting*),
it will be created automatically.
:param link: a urdf_dom link element
:param joint: a urdf_dom joint element
:return: a reference to the newly created URDFTree instance.
tree = URDFTree(connected_links=self.connectedLinks, connected_joints=self.connectedJoints, robot=self.robot)
tree.joint = urdf_dom.JointType()
tree.link = urdf_dom.LinkType()
tree.joint.child = urdf_dom.ChildType()
tree.joint.parent = urdf_dom.ParentType()
self.connectedLinks[tree.joint] = tree.link
if self.link in self.connectedJoints:
self.connectedJoints[self.link] = [tree.joint]
return tree
[docs] def add_mesh(self, file_name, scale_factor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
Adds a mesh to current segment.
:param file_name: Name of the file
:type file_name: string
visual = urdf_dom.VisualType()
visual.geometry = urdf_dom.GeometryType()
visual.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
visual.geometry.mesh = urdf_dom.MeshType()
visual.geometry.mesh.filename = file_name
visual.geometry.mesh.scale = list_to_string(scale_factor)
return visual
[docs] def add_collisionmodel(self, file_name, scale_factor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
Add a collision model to a mesh object
:param file_name: name of the mesh object for which the col_model is generated
:type file_name: string
:return: string: Collision file that is used in the urdf
collision = urdf_dom.CollisionType()
collision.geometry = urdf_dom.GeometryType()
collision.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
collision.geometry.mesh = urdf_dom.MeshType()
# print('debug add_collisionmodel: ' + file_name)
collision.geometry.mesh.filename = file_name
collision.geometry.mesh.scale = list_to_string(scale_factor)
return collision
[docs] def add_inertial(self):
Add a inertial definition to a link object
:return: string: reference to inertial object
inertial = urdf_dom.InertialType()
inertial.mass = urdf_dom.MassType()
inertial.mass.value_ = "1.0"
inertial.inertia = urdf_dom.InertiaType()
inertial.inertia.ixx = inertial.inertia.izz = inertial.inertia.iyy = "1.0"
inertial.inertia.ixy = inertial.inertia.ixz = inertial.inertia.iyz = "0.0"
inertial.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
inertial.origin.xyz = "0 0 0"
inertial.origin.rpy = "0 0 0"
# print('debug add_inertial: ')
return inertial
[docs] def add_joint_control_plugin(self):
Adds a reference to the generic control plugin of the NRP backend.
:return: Reference to the plugin type defined in the URDF
plugin = urdf_dom.GazeboPluginType()
plugin.name = "generic_controller"
plugin.filename = "libgeneric_controller_plugin.so"
return plugin
[docs] def add_joint_controller(self, control_plugin):
Add a controller definition to a robot object
:return: string: reference to inertial object
joint_controller = urdf_dom.GenericControllerPluginDefType()
if joint_controller.pid == "1.0 1.0 1.0":
joint_controller.pid = "100.0 1.0 1.0"
print("Debug: Joint Controller set")
print("Added joint controller.")
return joint_controller
[docs] def set_defaults(self):
Adds defaults to missing values.
joint = self.joint
link = self.link
if joint.axis is None:
joint.axis = urdf_dom.AxisType()
if joint.limit is None:
joint.limit = urdf_dom.LimitType()
# this had to be completely defined (missing effor argument caused conversion to SDF to fail)
joint.limit.effort = 100.0
joint.limit.lower = joint.limit.upper = joint.limit.velocity = 1.0
if joint.calibration is None:
joint.calibration = urdf_dom.CalibrationType()
joint.calibration.reference_position = 0.0
joint.calibration.rising = 0.0 # there are no default values in the XSD?
joint.calibration.falling = 0.0
if joint.origin is None:
joint.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
# joint.rpy =
for visual in link.visual:
if visual.origin is None:
visual.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
for collision in link.collision:
if collision.origin is None:
collision.origin = urdf_dom.PoseType()
if joint.dynamics is None:
joint.dynamics = urdf_dom.DynamicsType()
joint.dynamics.damping = 1.0
if link.inertial is None:
logger.debug("Inertial is None, creating default one.")
link.inertial = urdf_dom.InertialType()
for inertial in link.inertial:
if inertial.mass is None:
inertial.mass = urdf_dom.MassType()
if inertial.inertia is None:
inertial.inertia = urdf_dom.InertiaType()
# if joint.mimic is None: # truely optional
# if joint.safety_controller is None: # ignored
# if link.inertial is None:
# todo continue and remove if statements from urdf_blender
[docs] def show(self, depth=0):
Prints the kinematic tree to the command line (for debugging).
This function serves as an example for export export.
:param depth: the depth of the kinematics sub tree for indention
if depth > 1:
"%s, link: %s, joint: %s, type: %s" % ("*" * depth, self.link.name, self.joint.name, self.joint.type_))
elif depth == 1:
print("Root link: %s" % self.link.name)
for tree in self.children:
tree.show(depth + 1)
# debugging the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
robot = URDFTree()