Debugging ========= Logging output is generated in order to debug the Robot Designer. The debugging level can be selected in the *Files* pane of the Robot Designer user interface in Blender. Generic logging can be found in the terminal Blender is started from. Additionally, all logging is saved to file which can be found depending on your operating system in: Linux """"" .. code-block:: console ~/.config/blender//scripts/addons/robot_designer_plugin/resources/log.txt Mac Os X """""""" .. code-block:: console ~/Library/Application\ Support/Blender//scripts/addons/robot_designer_plugin/resources/log.txt Windows """"""" .. code-block:: console C:\Documents and Settings\$USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\\scripts\addons\robot_designer_plugin/resources/log.txt An example log output is depicted below: .. literalinclude:: log_example.txt